Chris Christie for President?

Round and round of speculation has swirled over whether New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to jump into the presidential race. After his speech on Tuesday night, there is only one possible conclusion: Chris Christie is not a candidate for president until he decides to run for the presidency that could usher in a sentence that is adjacent to a previous one can deny that he is a candidate for president. Twice he was asked about his intentions. Once I said that was not working. The second time he suggested he is considering it. The only effect it could have been better if he had spoken while turning around a mulberry.

Hopefully Chris Christie to run. He is telling the truth promising, detailed solutions to problems such as the growth of law, tax reform and foreign entanglements - all delivered in an entertainment package. Candidates often make statements about how honest and rigid live are going to be, while planning anything like that. It would be a service, and entertaining to see someone give it a real test. Smoking is also the other Republican candidates in venturing a mere statements or at least a few who fled with less haste of its predecessors.

Christie could run a campaign as bold as promised on Tuesday night in his speech strong and powerful at the Reagan Library? This is how he says it has in New Jersey: "It is a simple but powerful message of lead in difficult subjects to tell their citizens the truth about the depth of the challenges always honest with them about the difficulty of Solutions of this .. is the only effective way of driving in the United States at this time. "Later, in his call for strong leadership, said one of the greatest challenges the United States was" not become a country that puts comfort ahead of the hard truths. "

Christie reputation for blunt talk about everything from deficits to trade unions and scolded those who challenge is what is creating the buzz presidential, so has the ability. However, in the management of fashion is not exactly being a shooter right.

When asked if he was running, Christie addresses the audience at a political video compilation of his denials many. This seemed to slam the door, but not all the way which was very nice kind of behavior I expect someone like Chris Christie stand and satire. But then a woman stood up and begged the governor to run for president with such passion that seemed like it could come to tears. "I mean this with all my heart," he said. "Please, sir, to reconsider. Go home and really think about it. Please. Do it for my daughter to do it for our grandchildren, our children do so. Please, sir, your country needs you to apply for the presidency. "

Christie said: "I appreciate what you're saying and I take and I'm listening to every word of it and feel it. It is extremely flattering, but for the same reason, the message with all my heart you gave me a reason not to do it me. That reason has to reside within me. "He never said no.

This suggests two options: either a liar tells the truth that has made a decision and not being straight with the woman or is actually taking in what he says and still being considered. But if he really have a think why his first response was that the whole point in the video world politics? Why not play at the level, especially after a speech that talked about leadership and the harsh reality. The second response should have been the first response.

Christie There are many reasons to participate in this deceptively soft. It's probably smart for him to be playing the way he is. Shyness and shading and entertainment are a requirement of political campaigns and successfully. But it is a reminder that the promises of honesty are limited. Also limited is the ability to change Congress and partisanship by the power of effective speaking. Both limitations were incorporated into the discourse of Christie, who, like Obama's speeches in 2008, was full of promise and bromides in motion that ignite the imagination to think the problems can be resolved from behind a lectern magical.

Christie received a standing ovation that shows the public liked the strong defense of the notion of hard truths, but tells us nothing about whether you really want to hear the truth. You can be happy to leave it vague agitation.

If Christie ran, he would be our third candidate to speak the truth of this cycle. The first was Tim Pawlenty. It was not in the race long enough to test the theory. (His position on ethanol does not count). Rick Perry is calling itself the second tells the truth and the boy paid for it. The biggest problem is that he caused with his direct language. He said anyone who thinks of the children of undocumented workers do not deserve an education "has no heart." Sharp. In the intestine. Christie was similar to the statement, and according to the rules described in the Candidate Handbook disinterested, which is the kind of voters to speak directly, as it means that even if they disagree with him.

What does Perry get for free expression? That made him a target of clear speech Perry Christie who stressed among the Republican field in his speech. Do not call him by name, but after disagreeing with his policy said: "Let me be very clear from my point of view. That's not a heartless position is a position of common sense"

Christie showed that when we talk about, as Perry did, makes you a target. His opponents attack him and make it powerful forces and Christie are not even in the race. That's what makes the provisional candidates or conviction to say anything about honest medium. For this reason, Mitch Daniels, the jokes of his campaign could have been over almost before it began. In fact, it is dangerous to speak your mind.

Christie could announce his campaign and not pay any price to change its position. Obama said he would not run before you decide. Christie could also point to the woman at the Reagan Library and the others who asked him to be executed and say that the outcry helped him change his mind. Each candidate tries to claim there is a movement of citizens calling longing behind the competition. Christie can roll the videotape. Just hope that lives up to the position presented in his speech or his opponents shoot video as well.