The Jewish year 5771 brought two diametrically opposed events in Israel. One was the flood of anti-democratic past and proposed to the Knesset. The other was the protest movement for social justice in Israel's democracy suddenly sprang to life. On the eve of Rosh Hashanah, we must reflect on what these two phenomena tell us about Israel and what they mean for the future.
Bills by members of the Knesset, Zeev Elkin, Danny Danon, and break a lot deeper than that of liberal democracy in September: to avoid the observer largest democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville called the tyranny of the greatest danger to protect free debate and critical, and the rights of minorities.
Zeev Elkin began a boycott of the law and proposed that a committee of the Knesset should be able to veto candidates for the Supreme Court. His justification was that the values of the Supreme Court did not reflect the beliefs of most of Israel. This was followed by the proposal of a Knesset committee of inquiry "Goverment no left-wing organizations" and, finally, Kadima MK, Avi Dichter, the proposition that Israel is defined as the land of the Jewish people, with an emphasis on Jewish law and Hebrew the only official language of Israel.
Elkin, Dichter and Danon, with Foreign Affairs Avigdor Lieberman, want a democracy where there is no disagreement or criticism. Freedom, for them, there is a value in itself, it is not the critical discussion. It is in fact a nuisance that does not allow the government to do what you want. That is why they attack the institutions designed to protect human rights for all, including minority in Israel. Depth and threatens liberal democracy of Israel.
As the century showed a dramatic, democracies can not vote canceled. Now we see the same process, which takes place in Russia: His party applauded politely when Dmitry Medvedev to let them know you do as president in 2012, paving the way for Putin to win almost without resistance. Yes, the role of this process is democratic. Putin, by democratic means, which will become the de facto dictator, at least until 2024 - for all intents and purposes, probably the model of Israel's Lieberman.
The current obsession with the coalition of power and domination of Israel reflects the socio-political post-traumatic stress caused by the terrible violence that Israel has lived its entire history. In 1948, 1967 and 1973, Israel's existence was in danger, the loss of these wars would have meant the destruction and death of many of its residents. Israel was the teaching that only constant vigilance, courage, and military power has been kept alive in the country. Another lesson is that dialogue is not a strategy, which can lead to results.
1990 brought the hope and the peace process with the Palestinians, which exploded in front of the second intifada, Israel. This was a time when most Israelis retreated back to the hard shell that the country was for decades an existential threat. Political Hope was a luxury that most Israelis do not want to indulge in
Disorder essence of post-traumatic stress disorder is that the psyche is unable to understand that protect previous injuries are most useful present. In mid-2011 it seemed that Israeli society had regenerative powers away from its bunker mentality.
In the midst of this current black push Israel toward liberalism, 14 In July, a miracle. A group of young people began to protest against social injustice in Israel. At the beginning of Likud members said they were "left-wing radical elements," "anarchist" or "a spoiled child." But the protest quickly evolved into an unprecedented scale.
The media have focused primarily on the needs of young people and processes that have produced, such as the Committee Trajtenberg. I think the real miracle that this movement is its culture. You must be there to understand: this is a business developed a culture of respect, people the opportunity to speak and respected, a true dialogue, not to shut down the opposition in power, whether physical or verbal.
Origin of the movement was in Tel Aviv, but across the country like wildfire. In most of the poorest neighborhoods of crime victims' countries, citizens who had learned that can be impacted by the violence that saw their pain, their hopes, their wishes might have a fair hearing. They realized they had a voice.
The movement for social justice, reminded all that behind the obsession with power finds expression in the bill liberal, there is a difference in Israel, people, old and young, minorities do not believe in abuse, whether racial, religious, ethnic or political. There are people of all ages who care about others and not at least willing to listen.
The movement for social justice is the beginning of a healing process. The realization that the political process to work through dialogue and not by power alone, that people who think differently or have different interests must not be trampled, but can be read aloud.
The movement for social justice requires a lot of stamina to keep alive this healing. These processes occur at night, is slow. My great fear is that this process will be time to influence the political future of Israel in the coming years. too long for the citizens of Israel to realize that keeping the choice of politicians who condemn Israel's deepening isolation, there will come a day when the citizens of Israel wakes up to reality, where Israel is actually look at Masada, a fortress with no friends who live by the sword alone.
However, the social protest movement has left its mark: Trajtenberg Committee, although at this stage, is not accepted by the demonstrators, was a turning point in Israeli political economy. The protests have changed the language of social and economic discourse. More importantly, he reminded the Israelis and the world under the bark of the myopic obsession with domination, the human reality of Israel is alive, vital and capable of renewal.